Church Project is a “Church of House Churches.”
We are a connective of independent churches working together to return to a New Testament ecclesiology.
And Church Project Network is a Network of Church Projects connected globally.
Church Project Network Churches share a common “eDNA – Ecclesiological DNA” of:
Distributed pastoral leadership decentralized from primary place and primary priest/pastor diverse geographically based discipleship communities
SEPTEMBER 10-11 // The Woodlands, TX
Attend the next House Church Conference: a two-day workshop where you’ll join like-minded church leaders looking to return to a New Testament way of church- “A Church of House Churches”.
Church Projects in Haiti with 25 House Churches
Church Projects in Latin America with 37 House Churches
Church Project in Malawi with 8 House Churches
Church Projects in USA with 100+ House Churches
Pray with us.
Join us in praying for Church Project Network and the many Church Projects and House Churches that are continuing to grow and launching in this next year.
Rethink & Return to a New Testament Ecclesiology
A Network of Churches
A Church of House Churches