We want your kids here, to love and follow Jesus.
Sunday Gatherings
BIRTH-4TH GRADE gather at 9AM and 11AM through biblical teaching, joyful worship, memorizing Scripture and engaging activities.
Seasonal Events
We want every kid joining in for seasonal events: Kid Nights, Kid Camp, KID WEEK, Daddy Daughter Night and more.
Fifth Sunday Serve
Every month with a 5TH Sunday, your kids are brought along in serving a local Ministry Partner, teaching them how to use their gifts to meet needs.
Upcoming kids events.
9AM + 11AM
K-2ND in the COMMONS
Resources for parents.
Tiny Theologians
Training tools on theology, discipleship, church history and missions.
Not Consumed Ministries
Resources to build a family culture rooted in a strong foundation of faith.
Mama Bear Apologetics by Hillary Morgan Ferrer
Tough conversations, informed by biblical beliefs.
The Radical Book for Kids: Exploring the Roots and Shoots of Faith by Champ Thornton
An explorer’s guide to the Bible, church history, and life (age 8 & up).
Raising World Changers in a Changing World by Kristen Welch
Discover the joy of sharing our time, talents, and even our wallets with those who have less.
Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kids by Kara E. Powell & Chap Clark
A guide for parents to encourage their children’s spiritual growth so that it becomes a lasting faith.
Our staff and volunteers love your kids.

Tara Edwards
CP since MAR 2014
Imperial Oaks III House Church

Philip Penney
CP since OCT 2011
Jacob's Reserve House Church

Melissa De Leon
CP since AUG 2015
Imperial Oaks II House Church

Kacy Norris
CP since SEP 2016
Imperial Oaks III House Church

Gretchen Jones
CP since NOV 2019
The Reserve House Church
"I love watching the kids learn about Jesus! I love their excitement and how willing they are to pray for their friends and family! It brings Joy to my heart! And Ultimately walking alongside their families to teach them God's word!"
Whitney Patterson
"I serve in Project Kids because I want all kiddos to know they are created and loved by God! I enjoy getting to hang out with them monthly and showing them the love of Christ!"
Ashley Lee
Oak Tree House Church
"Church project has been our home for 5 years and I have been serving in kids church for about 2+ years. It has been the biggest blessing for our children. The songs, the messages, the people are all amazing! I want to be a role model for Christ and what better way than to start with our Kids! Our oldest has watched me serve and now she helps me out monthly. It honestly has been the best thing for our little family. I have met so many wonderful people at our church through serving."
Christena Pounds
Benders Landing House Church