We are a Network of Churches – committed to rethink and return to a New Testament Ecclesiology.
We are a Network of Church Projects, connected globally, that share a common “eDNA – Ecclesiological DNA” of:
• Distributed pastoral leadership
• Decentralized from primary place and primary priest/pastor
• Diverse geographically based discipleship communities.

We are a Church of House Churches.
Many House Churches, connected together as one. We want everyone personally known and pastored in a House Church. Join a House Church near you.
We gather on Sundays to worship Jesus and exalt His Word.
SUNDAYS 9AM + 11AM (Spanish Translation @ 11AM)
ONLINE GATHERINGS (Facebook + Youtube)
Every Sunday we gather together to:
• Sing songs of worship
• Speak Scripture aloud
• Share stories of God's faithfulness
• Be still and meditate on God's Word
• Study Scripture, verse by verse, through sermons

We serve our city and our world through Ministry Partners.
Church Project partners with world changing organizations locally and globally that do good and share the gospel. We also join our lives together to serve alongside others in the work. Start serving with a Ministry Partners.

We operate with simplicity
for the sake of generosity.
When we give our time and our finances to Church Project, we join together in strengthening this church and in supporting Ministry Partners who meet needs and share the love of Christ. You can start giving today.

Be discipled to make disciples.
Our purpose in life, as followers of Jesus, is to be His disciples — someone who loves, follows, and joins Jesus on His mission. Discipleship is people leading people as they follow Christ. Be discipled or start discipling someone today.