August 10, 2024
602 Pruitt Rd.
The Woodlands, TX 77380
9AM-4PM: Register for an appointment time to receive backpacks & school supplies. Book a separate appointment for free haircuts.
*Walk-ins available only from 4-5PM, yet unlikely to receive school supplies, clothes or shoes.

Pick up backpacks
& supplies.
We invite you and your kids to join us for a fun Saturday with school supplies, back to school clothes, and more for your K-6th grade students.
Te invitamos a ti y tus escolares a que se unan a nosotros para un divertido sábado con material escolar, ropa para regreso a clases, y más para tus estudiantes (K-6).

Get free haircuts
for your kids.
While you’re here, we invite your kids to get fresh haircuts by local barbers and hairstylists in our city, free of charge.
Please schedule your haircut appointments at least 1 hour before or after your school supplies appointments.
Mientras esté aquí, invitamos a sus hijos a que los barberos y estilistas locales de nuestra ciudad les corten el cabello de forma gratuita.
Programe sus citas de corte de cabello al menos 1 hora antes o después de sus citas de útiles escolares.